Duo Orgasm Balls

Duo Orgasm Balls     Simple, compact, soft and discreet tapered balls that can lift any ladys libinto and climax to seven heaven. These two balls have internally a steel metallic ball each and every move the b Прочитайте больше...
Код продукта : 3000007619
марка : Seven creations
€6   €16.00

Duo Orgasm Balls   

Simple, compact, soft and discreet tapered balls that can lift any ladys libinto and climax to seven heaven. These two balls have internally a steel metallic ball each and every move the body makes follows, spins and creat huge impacts and non-stop around the g spot. So, wear it during work, gym, at home and feel instantly the erotic pleasure of having an orgasm on the way to paradise.

Both balls are attached to a high strength nylon cord which it will make your life easy. 100% control and pleasure.


For anal or vagina stimulation. Both men and women can use it so to benefit the most.



